Fabric Publisher Unleashes the full potential of your

Power BI reports

Spread the access your current Power BI reports by:

> Eliminating complexity
> Enhancing security and governance
> Optimizing your costs

Get rid of PowerBI s challenges

The distribution of Power BI reports across numerous users is complex.

Power BI s sharing capabilities are limited.

This might lead to a lack of visibility and control overwho has access to what.
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Unlimited users, any report

Escalate your costs on the report usage, not in nominal users.

Your current Power BI reports, just as they are.

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Single point of access

Using your authentication solution and single sign on.

User access to their reports from a single point.

Handle massive reports and roles assignment processes.

Keep Power BI reports native security.

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Crystal Clear

Full control ofwhat reports and data users access

View-As: Check what user finally aneble to access.

Full tracking of supervisor, surrogates and users

Check coherence and redundancy report assignment.

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User Consumption

Single sign on

Made on top of Microsoft Azure resources

Report Easy Access

Use any PowerBI license that allows for embed

Last viewed reports

Everything is deployed on your azure tenant


Everything is deployed on your azure tenant

Report Search

The services scale up and down and turn on and off depending on your use

Report Metadata

BYO OAuth2 auth provider such as Azure, Okta, AWS or Google

Report Assignment

Users/ Reports/ Roles assignment

Create groups to save assignments

Logystic group

Copy/ Paste User/Report/Groups assignment

View-as users with their entire assignment and actual roles applied

Users double assignment alerts

Bulk assignments and Excel export/import

Report Security

Native Power BI Security

Static RLS

Dynamic RLS

RLS role level aggregation

User Multi-assignment Alerts

PowerBI and AAD Persistence

Admin and Tracking

Admin report content access blockage

Admin, Subrogate and users activities full Log

Report Level subrogate assignment and segregation access

Page Report level Tracking"

PBI Usage Report

Admin Global Search assignment: User/Report

Capacity Optimization

Premium, F and A capacities

Switch Embed Service on and off: Schedule and/or User Access

Real time Upscale/ Downscale Capacities depending on usage report


Tres Niveles de acceso: Final Users, Subrogate and Admin

Authentication: AAD, Okta, Google, others




Power BI and SaaS Datasets


Do I have to modify my reports?

No you don t have to make any change in your PowerBI reports or roles in order to use FabricPublisher.

Do I need Fabric or migrate my PowerBI Service?

No, it is not necessary to migrate your PowerBI service to FabricPublisher, it works wiht any license with embed capabilities.

Do users need PowerBI Pro Licenses?

No, users don t need PowerBI PRO or Office 365 licenses.

Is Fabric Publisher for me?

Every company can benefit from either the pricing or the assigment simplicity of Fabric Publisher.

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